On Feb. 23, 2022, destructive attacks were conducted against Ukrainian entities. Industry reporting has claimed the Go-based ransomware dubbed PartyTicket (or HermeticRansom) was identified at several organizations affected by the attack,1 among other families including a sophisticated wiper CrowdStrike Intelligence tracks as DriveSlayer (HermeticWiper). .encryptedJB
extension recoverable.
Technical Analysis
A PartyTicket ransomware sample has a SHA256 hash of 4dc13bb83a16d4ff9865a51b3e4d24112327c526c1392e14d56f20d6f4eaf382
. It has been observed associated with the file names cdir.exe
, cname.exe
, connh.exe
and intpub.exe
The ransomware sample — written using Go version 1.10.1 — contains many symbols that reference the U.S. political system, including voteFor403
, C:/projects/403forBiden/wHiteHousE
and primaryElectionProcess
The ransomware iterates over all drive letters and recursively enumerates the files in each drive and its subfolders, excluding file paths that contain the strings Windows
and Program Files
and the folder path C:\Documents and Settings
(the latter folder was replaced in Windows versions later than Windows XP with C:\Users
). Files with the following extensions are selected for encryption:
acl, avi, bat, bmp, cab, cfg, chm, cmd, com, contact, crt, css, dat, dip, dll, doc, docx, dot, encryptedjb , epub, exe, gif, htm, html, ico, in, iso, jpeg, jpg, mp3, msi, odt, one, ova, pdf, pgsql, png, ppt, pptx, pub, rar, rtf, sfx, sql, txt, url, vdi, vsd, wma, wmv, wtv, xls, xlsx, xml, xps, zip
For each file path that passes the previously described path and extension checks, the ransomware copies an instance of itself to the same directory it was executed from and executes via the command line, passing the file path as an argument. The parent ransomware process names its clones with a random UUID generated by a public library2 that uses the current timestamp and MAC addresses of the infected host’s network adapters. The malware developer attempted to use Go’s WaitGroup
types to implement concurrency; however, due to a likely coding error, the ransomware creates a very large number of threads (one per enumerated file path) and copies its own binary into the current directory as many times as there are selected files. After all encryption threads have ended, the original binary deletes itself via the command line.
When the sample receives a file path as an argument, it encrypts the file using AES in Galois/Counter Mode (GCM). The AES key is generated using the Go rand
package’s Intn
function to select offsets in the character array 1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
, generating a 32-byte key. Due to another likely coding error, the seed for the Intn
function is updated after the key is generated, meaning the same AES key is generated each time the binary and its clones are run. All of the files encrypted on a host are encrypted with the same key, and knowledge of the corresponding PartyTicket sample’s key enables their decryption. A script using this flaw to recover the encrypted files is available on the CrowdStrike Git Repository.
For each file, the AES encryption key is itself encrypted with RSA-OAEP, using a public RSA key that has the following parameters:
Modulus (N): 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
Exponent (E): 0x10001
Before encryption, the ransomware renames the file using the format <original file name>.com>.encryptedJB
(“JB” very likely stands for the initials of the United States president Joseph Biden, given the other political content in the binary). The ransomware then overwrites the content with the encrypted data. PartyTicket will only encrypt the first 9437184 bytes (9.44 MB) of a file. If the file passed as an argument is larger than this limit, any data above it is left unencrypted. After the file contents are encrypted, PartyTicket appends the RSA-encrypted AES key at the end of the file.
The ransomware also writes an HTML ransom note on the user’s desktop directory with the name read_me.html
before the file encryption starts (Figure 1). Unless they are intentional mistakes, grammar constructs within the note suggest it was likely not written or proofread by a fluent English speaker.

CrowdStrike Intelligence does not attribute the PartyTicket activity to a named adversary at the time of writing.
YARA Signatures
The following YARA rule can be used to detect PartyTicket:
rule CrowdStrike_PartyTicket_01 : ransomware golang
copyright = "(c) 2022 CrowdStrike Inc."
description = "Detects Golang-based crypter"
version = "202202250130"
last_modified = "2022-02-25"
$ = ".encryptedJB" ascii
$start = { ff 20 47 6f 20 62 75 69 6c 64 20 49 44 3a 20 22 }
$end = { 0a 20 ff }
uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and uint32(uint32(0x3C)) == 0x00004550 and
for 1 of ($end) : ( @start < @ and @start + 1024 > @) and
all of them
rule CrowdStrike_PartyTicket_02 : PartyTicket golang
copyright = "(c) 2022 CrowdStrike Inc."
description = "Detects Golang-based PartyTicket ransomware"
version = "202202250130"
last_modified = "2022-02-25"
$s1 = "voteFor403"
$s2 = "highWay60"
$s3 = "randomiseDuration"
$s4 = "subscribeNewPartyMember"
$s5 = "primaryElectionProces"
$s6 = "baggageGatherings"
$s7 = "getBoo"
$s8 = "selfElect"
$s9 = "wHiteHousE"
$s10 = "encryptedJB"
$goid = { ff 20 47 6f 20 62 75 69 6c 64 20 49 44 3a 20 22 71 62 30 48 37 41 64 57 41 59 44 7a 66 4d 41 31 4a 38 30 42 2f 6e 4a 39 46 46 38 66 75 70 4a 6c 34 71 6e 45 34 57 76 41 35 2f 50 57 6b 77 45 4a 66 4b 55 72 52 62 59 4e 35 39 5f 4a 62 61 2f 32 6f 30 56 49 79 76 71 49 4e 46 62 4c 73 44 73 46 79 4c 32 22 0a 20 ff }
$pdb = "C://projects//403forBiden//wHiteHousE"
(uint32(0) == 0x464c457f or (uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and uint16(uint32(0x3c)) == 0x4550)) and 4 of ($s*) or $pdb or $goid
Script to Decrypt PartyTicket Encrypted Files
Due to the previously discussed implementation errors in the AES key generation, it is possible to recover the AES key used for encryption by PartyTicket. The below Go script decrypts files encrypted by PartyTicket sample 4dc13bb83a16d4ff9865a51b3e4d24112327c526c1392e14d56f20d6f4eaf382
. The script takes the file to be decrypted as an argument via the “-p” flag and saves the decrypted output to “decrypted.bin” in the same directory. The script can be built as an executable or run via the Go run package; it was tested using Go version go1.16.6.
package main
import (
func main() {
encrypted_filepath := flag.String("p", "encrypted.bin", "Path to encrypted file")
fmt.Printf("Decrypting file : %s\n", *encrypted_filepath)
key_bytes := <>byte("6FBBD7P95OE8UT5QRTTEBIWAR88S74DO")
key := hex.EncodeToString(key_bytes)
fmt.Printf("Decryption key : %s\n", key_bytes)
dat, err := os.ReadFile(*encrypted_filepath)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Unable to open file, please supply path of encrypted file with flag -p, default file path is ./encrypted.bin")
decrypted_filepath := "decrypted.bin"
filecontents := dat
encrypted_contents := filecontents<:len(filecontents) - 288>
enc_size := len(encrypted_contents)
bsize := 1048604
cycles := enc_size / bsize
if cycles == 0{
encrypted := hex.EncodeToString(encrypted_contents)
decrypted := decrypt(encrypted, key)
write_output(decrypted_filepath, decrypted)
} else {
for i:=0; i<cycles; i++ { if i >= 9 {
start := 9 * bsize
end := enc_size
data := string(encrypted_contents)
write_output(decrypted_filepath, data)
block_start := i * bsize
block_end := (i+1) * bsize
if block_end > enc_size{
block_end := enc_size
decrypted := decrypt(encrypted, key)
write_output(decrypted_filepath, decrypted)
decrypted := decrypt(encrypted, key)
write_output(decrypted_filepath, decrypted)
fmt.Printf("Decrypted file written to : %s\n", decrypted_filepath)
func write_output(filepath string, data string) {
f, err := os.OpenFile(filepath, os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644)
if err != nil {
byte_data := <>byte(data)
func decrypt(encryptedString string, keyString string) (decryptedString string) {
key, _ := hex.DecodeString(keyString)
enc, _ := hex.DecodeString(encryptedString)
block, err := aes.NewCipher(key)
if err != nil {
aesGCM, err := cipher.NewGCM(block)
if err != nil {
nonceSize := aesGCM.NonceSize()
nonce, ciphertext := enc<:nonceSize>, enc
plaintext, err := aesGCM.Open(nil, nonce, ciphertext, nil)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s", plaintext)
- https<:>//<.>com/blogs/threat-intelligence/ukraine-wiper-malware-russia
- https<:>//<.>com/satori/go.uuid#NewV1
Additional Resources
- Read more about use of offensive cyber operations against Ukraine: Lessons Learned From Successive Use of Offensive Cyber Operations Against Ukraine and What May Be Next.
- Learn how CrowdStrike Falcon® provides continuous protection against DriveSlayer and wiper-style threats: CrowdStrike Falcon® Protects from New Wiper Malware Used in Ukraine Cyberattacks
- Read about about WhisperGate in this CrowdStrike Intelligence blog: Technical Analysis of the WhisperGate Malicious Bootloader.
- Learn about the powerful, cloud-native CrowdStrike Falcon® platform by visiting the product webpage.
- Get a full-featured free trial of CrowdStrike Falcon® Prevent to see for yourself how true next-gen AV performs against today’s most sophisticated threats.